Thorn And Rose

DSCN5531Like thorn and rose,
I learn that I need
More mercy than I’ll ever understand,
And that in the very learning
I am gifted all the mercy I’ll ever need;

The same lips in the same prayer can say
“I will praise the name of God with a song;
I will magnify him with thanksgiving,”
“I am poor and needy;
Hasten to help me, O God,
Do not delay!”

The heart must hold Him as pattern
But first as One and Only.

And the paradox of thorn and rose
Is set in this one life
Overseen by our one God
And there is only one thing to do
With what seems like two things.

One them.

One them like God incarnate.
One them as two beams made one cross.
One them as thorn became crown, shame became glory.
One them as justice and mercy kissed
In one red flow.

One them beyond confusion or doubt,
Until every thorn is gauzed by petal,
Until it is a song.